Sepsis Blog
Sepsis Curriculum Succeeds in Brooklyn

In 2018, END SEPSIS developed a K-12 educational curriculum to educate young people about sepsis. The curriculum covers infection prevention, the science and symptoms of sepsis and how to advocate for improved public health policies; it is downloadable from the END SEPSIS website and from the AFT’s Share My Lesson platform. We recently received the following letter from a teacher and are proud to share it here:

I am a Physical Education/Health teacher from an elementary school in Brooklyn. Five years ago we were told that we need to teach our students about sepsis. I read the lesson overview, and every September since, I take out my lessons on sepsis to see if there is anything new I can add.  Remarkably, a few years ago I noticed that one of the main authors of the curriculum in Ann Smith, the Science Teacher from McClancy Memorial High School In Queens. It is a small world because I actually met Ann on a school visit to Citifield where she engaged parents in a discussion about sepsis, especially for the athletes.

The curriculum developed by the END SEPSIS and Ms, Ann Smith includes fun and educational songs and activities that teach children of all ages and backgrounds about the proper way to clean cuts and abrasions to stop infection. The lesson plans are great. My students love the song Germ Gem. We act out the story from Ouch, I got a Cut! These lessons are so well put together. Additionally, there are guiding questions that help the students truly understand the importance of clean cuts.

Thank you, Ms Smith, Orlaith, and Kathleen Staunton and END SEPSIS for your dedication to educating children about sepsis.


Elementary School Teacher
Brooklyn, NY