Take Action
Children raising awareness of sepsis

Together, we can End Sepsis. There are many ways for you to make a difference.

Join Us.
Looking to take action against sepsis but uncertain how to get started? Begin by subscribing to receive regular updates about efforts to combat sepsis. Rest assured that we won’t inundate your inbox with redundant or irrelevant messages. We pledge that each communication we send will be meaningful. Enroll today and join us in the fight against sepsis.

There are countless ways to generate funds and awareness for END SEPSIS while enjoying yourself along the way. Plan a fun run in your neighborhood, create a Facebook fundraiser on your birthday, or participate in a marathon! If you need assistance getting started, please get in touch with us via email.


With your donation, END SEPSIS can continue to raise awareness about this silent killer and promote education on the signs and symptoms of sepsis, which can often go unnoticed until it’s too late. Your support will help fund advocacy efforts aimed at improving sepsis care and prevention measures, ultimately saving lives and bringing hope to families affected by this devastating illness.



Get Sepsis Protocols in Your State.
Becoming an advocate for sepsis protocols in your state can help raise awareness about sepsis and its impact on public health. This can involve speaking to your state representatives and urging them to support measures that mandate the use of sepsis protocols in healthcare facilites. Advocates can participate in outreach initiatives and educate others about sepsis and the importance of early detection and treatment.

Get more information here.


Share Your Story.

Have you personally encountered sepsis? If so, sharing your experience can greatly benefit others in comprehending the severity of the condition, its far-reaching effects, and the diverse range of individuals it affects. In addition, sharing your account is a means of commemorating a beautiful life lost to sepsis or honoring the bravery of a survivor.

Share your story here.