Sepsis Blog

How to Clean a Wound
We are committed at the Foundation to returning to the basics of healthcare.
It seems like somewhere along the way basic actions that can help us stay healthy and strong have been brushed aside. We know that if our son’s wound had been cleaned when he fell and the gym teacher had placed a Band-Aid on the wound Rory would be alive today. Instead tragically, Rory’s wound was not cleaned and it became infected, even worse the teacher placed a bandage on a dirty wound. So please remember the following:
Remember the Three C’s!
If you get a cut, clean it then cover it
These simple steps can protect you from dirt and germs that cause infection
How to clean a cut:
- Clean your hands using soap and water then put on disposable gloves if possible. Try to do this before you touch someone else’s injury.
- Apply gentle pressure if the wound is bleeding (don’t do this on burns). Use a clean cloth to gently press on the wound until bleeding stops. If blood is oozing from a wound seek medical attention. Also, be careful if the wound has been caused by a dirty object or rust or indeed if the wound was caused by an animal.
- Rinse the wound with water. Loosen and remove dirt and use a soft washcloth and mild soap to clean around the wound.
- Cover open wounds with a waterproof bandage to avoid infection.
Stay Healthy and Strong!