The first END SEPSIS Golf Outing was held on June 28th at Ardsley Country Club, NY. All proceeds from this event will benefit END SEPSIS, the Legacy of Rory Staunton. Our sincerest thanks to all who attended and made this event a smashing success! Our deepest appreciation goes to the event co-chairs, Rosemary Devlin, END […]
And now for some really good news on Sepsis! New data compiled by the New York State Department of Health has shown that Rory’s Regulations, named for our son, saved over 16,000 lives in New York State between 2015 and 2019. The Regulations require every hospital in the state to implement protocols for the rapid […]
“Prior to my experience, I had never heard of sepsis. I was very confused and very angry. I was angry because I shared my concerns, but no one listened — and it nearly cost me my life.” -April Chavez, Maternal Sepsis Surviver, Patient Advocate, END SEPSIS Board Member Our brave and eloquent board member, April […]
Today marks 10 years since our lives changed forever. Our bright, passionate, beautiful son Rory lost his battle with sepsis–a fight he should never have had to wage, a fight he fought mostly alone because the medical professionals who attended him dismissed our concerns. Rory lives within us every moment of every day. We experience […]
Sepsis, and developing public health policies that could save millions of lives, is a tragically low priority for most healthcare policymakers. For those of us who have dedicated our lives to ending preventable deaths from sepsis, who know that solutions to this crisis exist yet are not being implement, this is heartbreaking and beyond frustrating. […]