the END blog

Last week, news broke that former President Bill Clinton had been hospitalized with sepsis. In the immediate aftermath of this report, incorrect information about sepsis circulated in the media. To correct this and help those unfamiliar with the condition understand more about sepsis, which claims 275,000 lives each year in the United States, we talked […]

October 21, 2021» Read more
Strep A - a type of bacteria

In collaboration with Stella Saves Lives, END SEPSIS has posted a new page on Group A Strep. Both Rory and Stella Hall, whose parents founded Stella Saves Lives died from sepsis as a result of Group A Strep. Learn about the condition and how you can keep yourself and your family safe: Group A Strep.

October 1, 2021» Read more

Our World Sepsis Day Webinar was a great success! Nearly 500 women’s healthcare providers, including clinicians. nurses, midwives and doulas, registered to hear from our expert panel of speakers. They discussed new data on the urgent problem of maternal sepsis and the role and best practices of each healthcare discipline in reducing instances of the […]

September 15, 2021» Read more
Sepsis Awareness Months

September 1st marks the beginning of Sepsis Awareness Month. We ask that this month you talk to someone about sepsis. Tell them your story or a story about sepsis that affected you–or share what you know about keeping your loved ones safe from sepsis. My story is the story of my beautiful healthy son Rory […]

September 1, 2021» Read more
Stella Saves Lives

We are delighted to announce a very special collaboration. END SEPSIS has teamed with Stella Saves Lives to produce a series of social media campaigns. The first will launch next week! Stella Saves Lives was founded following the death of Stella Kay Hall on the 22nd of March, 2018. She was just eight months old. […]

August 11, 2021» Read more